Thank you Janet B. for being there for me in a pinch the past few weeks. Your help and friendship mean a lot to me, especially during a busy time. You taught me I can rely and really trust an employee.
Thank you to my husband Bruce. For your steady, quiet love. For always loving me no matter what. Your work ethic, your always wanting to leave things better than the way you found them, the way that you make me be the best I can be. (and our son too.) Your almost perfectionist attitude and your love. You are the smartest and best man I know, next to my dad.
To my son for being a great son. Words cannot express it all. You know it.
To my daughter, this year you taught me what forgiveness can be, and made me very proud that you are growing closer to Christ and your kind letters and our times together this year have been some of the best ever!
To my grandsons. Tristan and Aaron. You give me hope, you give me courage, you give me unconditional love. And when i look into your little trusting eyes, I know what it feels like to love back unconditionally and deeper than I knew was possible. I would walk through fire for you boys. I feel so protective of you and your smiles are my joy. Your tears are my pain. everything is amplified with a grand child. I never knew that I could love anyone so much.
To my parents, who have given me more than I could ever say. There's not enough words.
To my brother and sister. We formed lots of memories when we were little, but I miss you both terribly and want to form some new memories. I guess Ive learned what longing and a new kind of sadness is that we've let life get in between us and the three of us. We need to fix that.
To my mother in law and father in law, Jerry & Melba who show us and our son what love and dedication can be. They never miss a football game, and have driven all over this state to watch and support our son in his football and other activities!
To L.M. and B.S. that I cant always trust everyone, even iif provide people employment, love support and help,often times they bite the hand that feeds them. I wont say anymore, but this was the biggest disappointment of the year for me.
To C.B. that Christians can stumble and be judgemental and that God isn't finished with any of us yet.
To my former father in law Clifford O. That your dedication and loyalty to those you love are unlimited.
To my Dog Ginger. Yes, I am thanking my dog ! I love looking into your wise sweet big brown eyes every morning, and the way you limp and hobble over to me, (arthritis) lie next to me lets me know that you love me (and all of us.) When i look in your eyes and think about when you are not going to be here someday, it breaks my heart, you've been the best pet a person could ask for.
To my best friend Francie. Your humour, your work ethic, your "never surrender" attitude and your success in all you do inspire me and make me proud that I chose you 32 years ago to by my BFF. Your laugh is infectious. When I'm with you and your husband, I feel like I'm marinating in a hot bath of love and acceptance.
To my friend Renitta. You've taught me to smile and to lighten up when things are hectic or stressful. And to not have such a thin skin and that things always work out for the best.And that I can always count on you when I'm overwhelmed or tired.
To my new friend Scarlett, for reminding me, thatour savior is the most important thing and that no matter how much success we achieve, or the places we go, or the accomplishments we conquer, That our number one reason for living is to Honor God and to serve him.
And that a Little pink in your closet or home is a good thing!
To my friend Walter E. To be brave, keep your chin up and don't let things get under your skin. Be proud of who you are no matter who tries to tear you down or take advantage of you.
To my former mother in law, Linda who passed away 3 Christmases ago. I miss our long talks on life, philosophy, people, places and things so much. You were the easiest person to talk to you that Ive ever known. I met you when I was 15 and 31 years later, I still think about the things you told me and the lessons you taught me. You were like a 2nd mother to me in many ways. You wern't perfect but you were always good to me. I miss you.
To my photographer friends out there. You inspire and entertain me. Especially my friend Jodie G. You all make me laugh mostly. Its great to have zany fun friends and acquaintances out there who think just like I do!
To the people who said or did things that weren't nice to me this year. You make me appreciate all the friends and family that I have. I understand that when you have things that other people want, some people hate you for it. Ill never understand that, but I have accepted that it is your problem, not mine. I wish you well.
To my sons Coaches (Coaches Boswell, Butchee and others) and his great teachers and Youth Pastor Brother George. You are the people that help to shape our only son. Thank you for taking care of him while hes in your care. Thank you for helping to expand his mind, his determination and to believe in himself. Thank you for educating him and for all that you teach him each day. Your efforts do not go unnoticed and your influence will last a lifetime.
To my client. The wonderful people who hire and pay me and entrust me with their family memories. I understand that life is short and that when people we love leave this earth, often the only tangible evidence we have of them being here are photographs and videos.
I'm so proud that you trust me to capture the hearts and faces of your loved ones. Your trust and your dollars help me to continue to do what I love most in the world. Each of you have left a mark on me and hold a place in my heart. I don't take lightly that trust and I value it more than you know.
Each of you have taught me lessons, bestowed upon me gifts and life lessons I'll aways treasure. Both good and bad I appreciate all of it. I would Not change a thing if I could because everything that happened to me in 2009 helped shape who I am and brought me to this point! and lastly but not least, Thank you to my Heavenly Father. Without him we are nothing, and with him all things are possible. I thank you for your grace and love. I don't deserve it but by your wounds I am healed. Thank you to all of you!!!
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