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Monday, December 29, 2008

George Lopez Tour coming to the Falls!

My favorite Comedian is coming to town. GEORGE LOPEZ! Its his Tall Dark and Chicano Tour

I just love him, hes the best. My family and I watch him almost every night (he comes on at 9 and 9:30 pm) every evening. I love his type of humour and think hes the funniest guy on TV! I wish his show was still in production. I love it! (and the rest of the cast too, including his mom BENNIE)

You can get your tickets through the MPEC at this site. Im excited I got good seats! Call them at 716-5555

The date is February 20Th, 8 PM. You can bet I'll be ROTFLMAO! (Laughing Hard)

I always thought I'd have to go to Dallas to see him, so this is nice.
Now if I could just get a back stage pass and get to meet him for a minute..... A girl can dream cant she???
Heres the Trailor to his hillarious Movie (hes the voice of one of the Dogs in his movie "Beverly Hills Chihuahua"
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