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Saturday, August 11, 2007

A womans work is never done!

My son Scott and his dad really enjoy a good round of golf. My son took lessons when he was only 9 and hes pretty good!

It is his fathers number one favorite thing to do on a beautiful day. Since my son has been powerlifting, his drive has gotten farther! (Did I mention he benches 210 and squats 550 lbs?!)

He and his dad had a great day yesterday, while I worked! Is that fair?

I had a very hectic week with 5 sessions on Tue, 5 on Wed, 4 on Thurs and only 2 on Friday, but one was on location and I pack up my studio for those!

Must be nice to take it easy! My son is having a Pool party tonight with 11 friends, (6 girls and 5 guys) so Ive got to help mow the lawn and water the flowers and clean the pool and purchase all the food for 12 kiddos! Is my work ever done?!!! hee hee Oh and Sunday I have a family portrait at the lake. (no rest for the weary. hee hee)

Oh I forgot! What am I complaining about?! I went camping last weekend and I got lots of rest. Except for hiking up Devils slide and caves and sightseeing. I guess that was rest??)I guess Im a victim of my own success. Be careful what you wish for! hee hee

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