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Saturday, April 03, 2010

My grandson Aaron Scott

We have 2 grandchildren, Tristan and the youngest is Aaron Scott. Named after his 2 uncles. He came to visit with his mom for a few days and we had such a wonderful visit. They live in Justin now and are so much closer. Grandma got to cuddle, spoil, shop and photograph her little angel Aaron. I was there the day he was born (In Odessa) and have enjoyed him so much. I wish you could hear his precious voice. He has the sweetest little voice. and he talks up a storm. He will be 3 May 14th! I cant believe it. What is so cute is he cant stand to be dirty. If he gets one drop of milk or dirt on him, he has to take the clothing off. Hes really funny too.
I had a great visit with him! He left this morning at 7:30 to go back home and to spend Easter with his dad and brother and mom and cousins. I miss you already "PEANUT". His brother and parents call him "Ducky". Being a "GLAM-MA" is great!
aaron best hat

aaron easter 44
aaron laugh

cookie aaron
PS F.Y.I. All his clothes are from "THE CHILDRENS PLACE." in Sikes Senter. I also buy him stuff from Storkland!
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